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Travel Journal

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(full date range of entries: 2.1.2018 - 8.5.2018)

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St. Paddy's Day & Royal Albert Hall

18.03.2018 -

I’m currently taking the train to Cambridge for the afternoon/evening. I just had a fun but cold morning in Trafalgar Square with Olivia for St Patty's Day. But let's see, since the 13th...

On Wednesday I had work as usual, and I dared (considering my level of spiciness) to try a Bangladeshi restaurant around the corner - Yah, very spicy, but very tasty.

That night I went to a Broadway concert at the Royal Albert Hall - wow just spectacular. I knew a ton of the songs and all the singers were great, but the orchestra was just amazing. I sat behind the pit and could see everything. Seeing the hall filled, getting to watch it from the performers perspective - that is how I think the venue is meant to be seen (a simple tour would have been fine, but this was just breathtaking, especially after all the media and recordings I’ve seen of shows in the hall).

Thursday I took lunch at a cafe, read for a bit, and had a Purim J-Soc party that night. It was a bit small, but I knew enough people to have a good time. Friday I tried a new place for lunch at Spitafield’s! An Israeli owned falafel place - great stuff.

I finally had a Shabbos at home this weekend! This will be the last FND I'll get to go to... it was 50 minutes to walk to Central synagogue, but at least I had friends to walk back with as far as Marble Arch. Saturday I just lazed around (I definitely needed it).

Saturday night we had a bunch of people over to the flat including Heather, and Liv's Dad - I celebrated with whiskey :)

Today has actually been pretty busy! I went to Piccadilly Circus to see the Patty's Day Parade (after a movie in the morning with some flatmates) and Olivia and I walked around Trafalgar Square to see the Festival, concert, and of course drink some hard cider Irish. It was pretty kid-friendly and not nearly as rowdy as America surely is.

So now I'm on my way to Cambridge! Most things will be closed when I get there, but I'll have time to walk around and see the architecture and get dinner or work before I head back. That'll be enough for me!


-Ruth xoxo

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