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Travel Journal

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(full date range of entries: 2.1.2018 - 8.5.2018)

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"The Address is 221 B Baker Street"

Updated: Aug 31, 2018


Today was pretty busy, so I thought I'd write a little before bed. I didn't expect to do so much. I started the day with a Riverboat ride to Greenwich with class to visit the meridian line. The history and significance of it is really interesting - we had some stalled tubes on the way back but thankfully nothing too bad.

In between classes later I popped over to the Sherlock Museum at 221 B Baker Street. I’d seen the outside before, and again with Morgan and May, but hadn't been inside yet. I loved how much detail and thought they gave to it (even if the wax Figures were a bit creepy). I got off a bit before my stop on the Tube at Notting Hill Gate and shopped around a bit before rushing back to just make it in time for my final class of the day and week! (I even bought a shirt at the market)

The day ended with going to see Black Panther with some girls from the flat - what an amazing movie! Got back late, but so glad I went.


Ruth xoxo

The quintessential white townhouses of Notting Hill

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