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Travel Journal

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(full date range of entries: 2.1.2018 - 8.5.2018)

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Arrival and Exhaustion

Updated: Aug 15, 2018

2.1.2018 -

I’m here! Honestly, the past 24 hrs have been so busy, it’s hard to remember it all. Or rather, it feels like it happened to someone else. (Can you spot the exhaustion in my selfie below?)

Right now, I’m so comfy in bed at a hotel Kensington, but more than 24 hrs ago I was just beginning my travel… I don’t think I really appreciated how many steps (both figurative & literal) were going to be involved. Maybe that was for the best because I had enough to think about as it was.

Mom, Dad, and Sam dropped me off at the airport (it was too busy there for them to walk me to my gate). I spent the whole first leg of my journey (6 hrs) (PGH -> Reykjavik, KEF Iceland) watching Jane the Virgin. I had just enough time to freshen up and check in w/ Dad [over wifi on the phone] before boarding to Gatwick (3 hrs). No sleep…

-timelapse of my landing!-

Customs was a long wait, but easy. I found my baggage fine, but getting my Euros for the trolley and wheeling the stuff through the airport was crazy. I caught a cab to Kensington, and after checking in at my hotel and w/ Dad quickly I fell asleep for a few hours. I freshened up and met a girl (from the trip!) ay High St. Kensington so I could get my SIM card. Navigating the Tube was hard w/out my phone, but w/ street maps and asking people I got there fine.

We talked around for a bit, and caught the bus to near her hostel to find dinner (pizza!). After a slight hiccup of going to the wrong station originally, I got back safe. I caught up with M+D, reorganized my luggage so it’ll be easier to carry tomorrow, and here I am! (I also caught up with May, who’s still at Temple).

It was such a long trip, but so worth it...

Tomorrow I move in + meet my flatmates! Gonna be a busy day, week… semester!

I’ll update you <3


-Ruth xoxo

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06 авг. 2018 г.

So excited to read about your trip!! - Kelly

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