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(full date range of entries: 2.1.2018 - 8.5.2018)

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Harry Potter in London

Updated: Aug 31, 2018

12.03.2018 -

So, my days certainly didn't slow down over the weekend, but they were fun, though I am looking forward to settling into a more regular routine.

Shabbis was very busy, but definitely a great time! I stayed at Nat's in Golders Green - her house is gorgeous. Her family is also so sweet (and her dog the most fluffy still-puppy-at-heart. We went to FND for dinner, and I was invited to Saul's for lunch. Friday night was close, but it was a bit of a walk Saturday (basically across all of Hendon and into GG), but was fun and I got to meet some new students. (Rabbi Sacks, who I heard speak? His parent's were with him for lunch a few blocks downs!)

Morgan and May were also in GG! They came to FND (it was a special North West London Shabbis) and I met up with them after Shabbis. We got pizza and smoothie to go, and caught the Tube back. I stayed with them at the hostel because May and I went to O'Neils that night and got back a bit late. It was a little cramped, and a long night (though obviously completely worth it)... I took a nap Sunday before we met back up for Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross.

Sunday they really wanted to do a Harry Potter self-tour through London (and obviously I had no objections!) so I met them at King's Cross for pictures at Platform 9 3/4. Technically it's not between Platforms nine and ten, because you need a train ticket to get there, but the half-cart in the wall was perfect. The line was extremely long (it was a Sunday... do NOT go on a Sunday). But the worth was worth it for the pictures! I brought my wand that I made years ago camp, and we all looked amazing. I got my smaller ticket from the gift shop.

And the magic continued that evening! I took a tour with FIE (my program) to the Warner Bros. HP Studio Tour - WOW. It was such a trip back in time, so nostalgic. I was crazy and exhilarating to see the sets, props, designs, planning materials, and so much more. I definitely loved getting to go back to the excitement that I had growing up, reading the books as they came out and going to movie premieres. I bought the larger ticket from the Hogwarts express - Definitely still magical.

After I met up with Morgan and May for a quick drink at a pub near them and to say bye (they went back this morning). Today was class as usual (I did some work at Metrogate House and finally had time for laundry...) It's scary that I only have six weeks left. Thankfully a lot of fun stuff is still to come.


-Ruth xoxo

"Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much...The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well."

I finally got to meet a Hippogriff...

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Harry Potter World was one of my all-time favorite destinations!! I'm so glad you got to go there while you were in London!

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