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Travel Journal

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(full date range of entries: 2.1.2018 - 8.5.2018)

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Internships Start!

09.03.2018 -

I'm definitely ready for a rest this weekend... (only I'm not sure I'll have time for one...) This Shabbis I'm heading to Golder's Green with invites to FND (for college students) and Nathalie and Saul's homes. Morgan & May are in, and its amazing getting to spend time with them and explore, BUT I'm very drained (physically, mentally, spiritually - all of the above!) that I'm hoping to find just a little time to rest over Shabbis.

To go into a little more detail of the past week, Tuesday my class (the Temple one) had a walking tour in Shoreditch/Brick Lane of street art and graffiti. Our guide pointed out a lot of pieces and themes I wouldn't have noticed on my own, and there were a few Banksy-ies in the area. Also, I got to learn a bit about the previous Jewish immigrant community and tenants, and current multiculturalism of the neighborhood. There are two famous bagel shops, but sadly neither is Kosher. Afterwards I hit up Spitafields Market with a few friends (and have already been back since!) I love all the clothes, food, and accessories - it feels just like a shuk (bazaar)! FUN FACT: The name comes from "hospital field," when it was used as one during wartime.

The rest of the day was mainly classes as usual - Morgan and May came in that day, so I dashed over to Westminster to see them after class! We had great time catching up, and I've been spending time with them in the evenings in between class and work.

Wednesday I started my internship! It's a very laid-back place, a young company working in a shared open-floor-plan office. I was actually put right to work and have been busy since. I met the gals at Reuben's Kosher Deli on Baker Street for dinner (yes, Baker St. like Sherlock's 221B). We passed by that famous address and cooled down at a pub before it got too late.

Truth be told, Thursday was definitely one of my more stressful days. I was already running low on sleep, and little things through the day compounded until I had had more than enough. I made a mistake a work, and though I don't think it was anything major (I pressed the wrong button while organizing some information for them) it still sucked, and got me off on a bad foot with my supervisor... My lunch was very late and short because I had to wait for M&M to get to Spitafields, and we had trouble finding one another (we had a great time in the end, though!). So by the end of the day I was pretty exhausted, but I had promised to go to Primark shopping with them, and I had really been looking forward to it. BUT the day just couldn't be easy for once, because we went to different Primarks, and ended up missing eachother entirely... (Though funnily enough, Morgan and I each bought the same Harry Potter foot pjs!)

Thankfully, today has been relatively smooth so far. I'm at the office right now, and took a walk down to Spitafields during my break (I bought a pretty Thank You card for my hosts, and a cute pinky ring for myself!) I have my bag and whatnot with me, so I can leave straight from work and hopefully not have to rush getting to Golder's Green/Hendon. (I've also had some time to work on my freelance projects for Heather, the author from Pittsburgh who I help with social media and her website, so that's nice to stay ontop of!)

Looking forward to Shabbis (and the custard donut from Spitafields in my bag!!)


-Ruth xoxo

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