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Travel Journal

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(full date range of entries: 2.1.2018 - 8.5.2018)

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Edinburgh Pt. 5 - Back to London

25.02.2018 -

Well last night and this morning all worked out in the end! Not everything was quite smooth sailing, but I got where I needed to be in the end.

After the Royal Oak I got dinner at a dinner down the street and got to just sit and relax. I used to think sitting at a restaurant by myself would be boring, but its actually a great time for me to just think, plan out what to do with my day or night. I adjusted my plans as I went, and decided to check out Sandy Bell's (a tiny pub famous for its music) on the walk back to the hostel, since it was packed when I ducked in before.

I got lucky on the way back, and it wasn't too busy. I was able to grab a whiskey and pull up a seat near the musicians in the corner. They played sporadically, but what I did get to hear was very pleasant and toe-tapping. I got back to my hostel with a little time to lie out my stuff for the morning, but immediately fell asleep right after.

I had a hiccup this morning (Future Ruth Note: and a bigger one later in the day, though I this point I didn't know it... Check out the next post to see what happened). My phone cord broke, with almost no battery left. My external battery had a charge, but no way to tap it. Thankfully I was able to pick up a cord on my walk back into the city. I took a stroll down to Stockridge Market (a Sunday market), and am now sitting at a cute, fancy cafe for breakfast & tea. I'm catching my train soon, and then back to London to meet Mom and Dad who're coming to spend the week!

Best <3,

-Ruth xoxo


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