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Travel Journal

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(full date range of entries: 2.1.2018 - 8.5.2018)

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Chinese New Year, BAFTAs, and Tower of London

21.2.2018 -

On my way to Edinburgh, Scotland! I'll be spending five day in the city/area - I'm going on my own, so I planned out a whole list of things to do.

The past few days have been busy! Thursday Saul shows me the kosher food place at Imperial, and that night was some of us went to the Uni Bar.

Friday morning I had my internship interview with Easle, which went well (I got the internship! But more on that later). Its down in Shoreditch, about 40 minutes away, so not too bad. I'll be doing content creation and publicity work for them, and especially since I like the topic (graphic design) I think I'll like it!

That afternoon I met the Urowitz's for a sushi lunch, the girls are here for a bat mitzvah trip. Always amazing to see them. We walked around a little (I had some cute keychains I picked up for them!), stopped by Primark (I love how excited they were!) and then I dashed home to get ready for Shabbis.

Lord Rabbi Sacks, the previous Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, (and FND) were at Marble Arch synagogue this week! It was amazing and inspiring to hear him speak Friday night - it really encourages me to continue reading his work. I took the bus halfway, then cut through the part (the sun was setting, so Shabbis would be starting soon). I also sat next to Lady Sacks, Lord Sacks' wife, for services! He spoke about this week's parshah, Terumah, and giving & receiving.

FND's dinner was nice, as it always is, and lunch was fun the next day. All the students hung out for a while after, than Aure and I had a great afternoon walking through the park and watching street hockey.

That night I just chilled, and Sunday was extremely busy! I spent the afternoon in Chinatown and Trafalgar Square for the Chinese New Year. Olivia and I had fun walking around and people watching (there was so much going on!). That evening her and I stood outside Royal Albert Hall and celebrity-watched the BAFTA's red carpet. It was right down the street from out flat! We saw: Orlando Bloom, Jennifer Laurence, Sir Patrick Laurence, and Octavia Spencer (and that's only who I saw/remember!). I also saw Will & Kate's police escort and car driving up to the entrance! Was definitely worth hanging out in the cold.

That night I met back up with the Urowitz's for dinner near Piccadilly Circus, then we got ice cream and walked to Piccadilly Circus. I also walked them most of the way home, then caught a bus back - I loved getting to spend just casual, relaxed time with them!

Monday was class as usual (my final week before holiday!). That morning I went to the Tower of London with FIE and my flatmates - it was very cool to see the castle and the crown jewels.

Yesterday (Tuesday) was very busy and more than a bit stressful. Easle wrote me asking for a second interview to meet the rest of the team. I had a final group project due at my next class, and it was a bit of a hassle to get there and back before class, and I felt horrible leaving my groupmates in a lurch with the final details. FIE told me though that if I didn't go then I risked not getting the internship, or not finalizing it until I got back from break. So I went, and was able to get back only a few minutes late. Good news is I got the internship, which is really exciting.

I packed and planned last night (I made soup!) and woke up way too early to head off to Scotland! I caught a flight and am sitting waiting to take off - I'll update as I got, I'm still deciding whether I'll stay in the city Thursday or tour lochs/castles.

Also... Nathan and Alicia are expecting! TWINS!! The due date is in September. (If they're a boy and girl I say to name them De-niece and De-nephew [Poppie's joke!])

Best ❤️,

-Ruth xoxo

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