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Travel Journal

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(full date range of entries: 2.1.2018 - 8.5.2018)

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Edinburgh Pt. 3 - Morning Hike

23.02.2018 -

I'm at the very top of Arthur's Seat in Hollyrood Park! I suppose it would be considered small a far as mountains go, but it sure felt huge. Getting up here was a bit of a pain in the arse; I'm still little whipped from it. The view, though, is beautiful and it's wonderfully brisk at the top (and nice and warm in the sun). It was pretty sparse up here when I first summited, but people are slowly cresting the longer I sit here. I made the mistake of going a little too close to the edge earlier, and had to scootch my way back.

The hostel I've moved to, closer to the synagogue for Shabbat, is great - feels like a B&B. There's a plush sitting room and lots of books I could choose from tomorrow if I'd like. I'm looking forward to seeing my room when I get my key -> really hoping its comfy, cause I could so use a good night's sleep to reset me.

But for now, I'm literally sitting on the very highest point in Edinburgh, just loving the view and taking in the vista. It was definitely worth the climb.

Best <3,

-Ruth xoxo

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