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Travel Journal

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(full date range of entries: 2.1.2018 - 8.5.2018)

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Edinburgh Pt. 2

22.02.2018 (#2) -

So I'm at my hostel, at the tavern downstairs, and the brother duo singing/playing is hilarious (but also very good). One of their names is Fraser Fulton - I'm gonna look them up later!

I stopped off at the Spoon Cafe (another J.K. Rowling location) then went on a Darkside Tour, which was very cool. They were very adamant that this was not a ghost tour, but about the real, dark past of Edinburgh. Hearing about the gruesome and gory crimes of the city from my very Scottish guide was a spooky way to spend the early night hours. We went to a few graveyards (including the inspiration for Charles Dickens' Ebaneaser Scrooge of "A Christmas Carol" - a gravestone that reads: "here lies Ebaneaser Scroogie, a Meal Man." Dickens thought is said "Mean Man"). We also hit up a lookout point, and heard very spooky (and true!) stories of the city - There was only one jump-scare, and I definitely jumped. And may have also punched my tour guide's arm in a knee-jerk reaction..

Afterwards I met up with Nakihita, who's studying at Edinburgh University and Claire from Temple connected me with. We had a great time just chatting, and I some great recommendations for my weekend.

So I'm at the hostel, had a small glass of whiskey, and the music is great. What else can you want after a very full day in Edinburgh?

Tomorrow will be even busier - I'm looking forward to it!

Best <3

-Ruth xoxo

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