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Travel Journal

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(full date range of entries: 2.1.2018 - 8.5.2018)

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"The Swing" & Super Bowl!

6.2.2018 -

Sunday was nice, pretty relaxing. I went to the Wallace Collection, just on the other side of Hyde Park. I had no idea, but "The Swing" is there! I just happened to turn the corner in the gallery, and there it was! It's one of my favourite pieces - I love the beauty of it, but also the subtly in its messages and just a pinch of promiscuity in such a seemingly innocent scene.

That night I grabbed drinks with a friend from the Friday Night Dinners, and Monday was class as usual, as was today.

I'm trying to plan a trip in England this week - I want keep exploring my home country!


-Ruth xoxo

PS. On Monday we went to Wimbledon -> it was so cool! I loved getting to see the inside workings. On the fourth, almost everyone in the flat went to Imperial College's Union bar to watch the Superbowl - Go Eagles! I wish I could have been partying with my friends back in Philly, but we still had a great (and really late) night!

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