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Travel Journal

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(full date range of entries: 2.1.2018 - 8.5.2018)

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My Week in Review

13.2.2018 -

I have about a week of journaling to catch up on! - Better get started

Wednesday - I went to the Portrait Gallery and London Eye! I learned a ton of history, and even saw the Cézanne exhibit (I love getting to see paintings and works that I've studied). Seeing London from above on the giant ferris wheel was beautiful, and a great ending to a day spent exploring London on the ground.

Thursday - I was a bit tired, so I ran some errands. I got a Tea for One Set from Debenhams -> I love it! Also got to walk around Primark for a bit 😊

Friday - I got lunch with Cousin Marsha! It was wonderful to catch up, and I'll be seeing her and the Urowitz's this Friday for the girls' bat mitzvah trip to London. We got lunch at High Street Kensington, and it was great to catch up with someone from home, especially one so familiar with England (she loves the Royals! She'll be back from the Royal Wedding). That night I went to Friday Night Diner at the Marble Arch Synagogue - a bit of a farther walking, but not too bad, and a very fun time!

Shabbat/Saturday - I got lost cutting through Hyde Park to go to lunch... It was raining, so I can't say it was the most pleasant walk, but I made my way eventually, and found the path back immediately on the return trip. I hung out with the other students until an hour before Havdalah and Shabbis going out. I got back just a little after sundown. The few girls who were in the flat and I tried out a new club, but called it a night early and watching a movie -> not too bad a Sat night!

Sunday - Afternoon Tea! I went with the program to tea at a hotel next to the park. It was super fun, and super fancy! I had fun dressing up for it 😊

Monday - Class as usual, we're getting ready for holiday (Spring Break!)

Which brings us up to today! I had class, and did some research and began booking trips and travel for the week I have free before Mom and Dad come during break. The plan is to spend it in Edinburgh, with maybe a day trip into the Scottish countryside. I think I'm going to take the train back, and get to look at the scenery!

Fun and exciting stuff are on the way!!

Best ❤️,

-Ruth xoxo

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