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(full date range of entries: 2.1.2018 - 8.5.2018)

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Victoria & Albert Museum

Updated: Aug 31, 2018

16.04.2018 (Pt. #1) -

On my way back from Scotland. Wow. The highlands are gorgeous, we really had an amazing time. Everything worked out perfectly: Glasgow, the hotel, timing, tour, weather. It was perfect.

Thursday was work as usual. I picked up some boxes so I can ship a few things home and not worry about shlepping them through the airport. Shipping pretty cheap, too. I caught up with Mom that night while I made some dinner and food for Friday.

Freddy was a light workload at the internship, so I was able to get some work done for my final projects in class. I have an invitation for Shabbis dinner next week, but this week I stayed at the apartment. I did Kabbalat Shabbat and dinner by myself, packed a little bit, and just all-around chilled. When Olivia got back home we hung out and watched a little GoT together.

Saturday actually turned out great. I wore my new dress from Brighton and after sleeping in walked to the Victoria and Albert Museum to explore. I've been there with Mom and Dad when they were in town, but we only had time to see one or two exhibits. Since everything but the special exhibits is free it's a great thing to do on Saturday. I spent couple hours there; I especially loved the casts room with Michelangelo's work like David (and the fig Leaf they put on him when Royals visit to cover up his nudity) and the different Slaves, and the replication of the doors to the Duomo (one of my favorite pieces). If I couldn't get to Italy and Rome during this trip this was definitely a second best.

I sat in the courtyard for a bit, the kids playing in the fountain were very cute and entertaining to watch, and walked around Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens for a good few hours. There were parakeets in one corner that would land on your hand if you have an apple or bird seed! It was so pretty out, I really got to explore, and with so many other people out enjoying the weather it was great people watch. It was nice to finally see London in the spring.

I got to nap for a little before Shabbis went out, and Olivia and I packed up to go to Scotland. It was a little bit of a rush to the bus, but thankfully we made it.

The eight hour bus ride was honestly long, and much more packed than we thought it would be. And with all the finicky kids… we didn't get enough sleep, even though that was the whole idea for our overnight ride. But after we made it to Glasgow, it was obvious it was definitely worth it.


-Ruth xoxo

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