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Travel Journal

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(full date range of entries: 2.1.2018 - 8.5.2018)

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Passover in London & Brighton

Updated: Aug 31, 2018

09.04.2018 -

I’m in Stratford-upon-Avon right now, having breakfast at a quaint cafe. I took a god-early train so I could have the whole morning and a little bit of the afternoon to explore Shakespeare's birthplace (I have to get back in time for my night class).

Cheers in Brighton!

This past Thursday I signed up for my classes at Temple for my second to last semester. I got almost everything I need, and one waitlist I will work on. I had my internship that day too, and was able to stay the whole day since yuntif comes in so late. I went, probably the last time this London trip, to Golders Green for the final days of Passover. The couple I stayed with was so kind, and I absolutely loved their house. I stayed in a cute guest-room with a gorgeous view of the back garden (and learned in England ‘garden’ is equivalent to the American ‘yard’. Friday morning I went with them to their monthly partnership minyan - it was amazing to experience. I got to hold the Torah first time during a service in a modern Orthodox minyan, and I really connected with the service.

On the walk to the shul my hostess pointed out historical parts of the area, including where they filmed Hermione’s childhood home for the final harry Potter movie (yes, that counts as historical!). I got a little lost on my way to lunch at a family I had been to before, but thankfully with the help from some passersby found my way eventually. The next morning I took it easy and spent some time reading with a cup of tea in the kitchen. I got to see my friend from last week at lunch, Tal, and hopefully will get to see her before I go back to the States. A boy I'd been put in touch with from U Penn in Philadelphia (while I was still at Temple) was randomly there! We’d actually eaten three times together before I heard his last name, just as we were saying goodbye- It’s a small world…

Tal and some other people and I got pizza Saturday night celebrate being able to eat chametz again! Because of the wait though, I got back to Kensington very late.

Sunday was fun: a class trip to Brighton a seaside resort town whose shore I’m sure would have been very pretty it hadn't been raining almost the whole day. Thankfully though, the weather did clear up just a little, and we were able to shop and eat after going to the beach and pier (The scarf I bought there was cute, but the on-sale dress was absolutely amazing. Like something out of Little House on the Prairie! I can't wait to wear it).

So I’m in Stratford-Upon-Avon, having a big vegetarian English breakfast at the only Cafe open. After my tea I'll start sightseeing!


-Ruth xoxo

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