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Travel Journal

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(full date range of entries: 2.1.2018 - 8.5.2018)

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I Got Ill...

Updated: Aug 31, 2018

15.1.2018 -

More than a week has passed since I last wrote! I’ll start w/ the fun stuff -> I started class! I think I’m really going to enjoy them, and may even get to sit in on the Shakespeare one! Only, Tuesday night I woke up with a fever, and for the next 5 days was ill… I know I have 4 months here, but it feels like I’ve already lost so much time! Today was the first day I felt well, just still weak though. I was able to get out to a pub, and then a ball-pit club (so fun!), but could only stay for a little, and haven’t done much these past few days besides sleep. Very glad I’m well enough for class tomorrow.

On more exciting notes, Olivia & I are planning a short trip to Paris! We plan to see Phantom of the Opera this Thurs, and go Tues Night -> Thurs next week! Won’t that be amazing!

Though she’s been before she’s happy to see the big attractions again!

Excited to be back on my feet!


-Ruth xoxo

PS. I went to a walk-in clinic while sick -> cost me nothing, and didn’t even show insurance. So unlike the States…

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